Kabbalah and Beyond

Books for Purchase

THOUGHT INTO FORM tells about the Spirituality of believing that what we think produces what we experience in our world day by day on and on for an endless future of adventure and fulfillment.  Click to purchase


The purpose of this book is to focus our attention on what we want. 

It is described in 360 ways, using succinct narrative, and short stories.

360 Degrees of Good is organized into eight chapters each chapter containing forty-five degrees of good, naming the chapters first with a direction, North, Northeast, East, etc., and then with a further descriptive title such as East, the Dawning of Good.

This book is perfect as a companion for travel, after dinner light reading, or simply for passing the time on a rainy afternoon.  

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Step inside of the world of Shue.  Meet the boy, the man and the legend that saves the world time and again.  His exploits are amazing.  There is no area where he does not excel.  All of his talents are natural and yet his ability to conquer, overcome and  save the day would suggest otherwise. 


Author, Musician, Kabbalist. Currently working on Zohar Chadash Revealed Volume Two Release for September 2020.

Thy Will Be Done